Sun Microsystems Server 2005Q2 User Manual

Sun Java System Application  
Server Enterprise Edition 8.1  
2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
Sun Microsystems, Inc.  
4150 Network Circle  
Santa Clara, CA 95054  
Part No: 819–2553  
Quick Start  
Welcome to the Quick Start Guide. This guide is for developers, system  
administrators, and Application Server administrators who are interested in learning  
about the capabilities of the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 2005Q2 software.  
This guide describes basic and advanced steps for using Application Server. The steps  
are presented in the order that you should complete them. The basic steps, which  
usually require less than 45 minutes to complete, are in these sections:  
The advanced steps, which usually require about 45 minutes to complete, are in these  
The steps for setting up load balancing, in Setting up Load Balancingon page  
The steps for setting up high availability and failover, in Chapter 2  
The nal sections of this guide include instructions for cleaning up and information on  
sources of information to use after completing this Quick Start Guide.  
Variable Names and Default Paths  
The following table describes what the variable names and default paths are for the  
directories used in this guide. Variable names are in the rst column, and default paths  
are in the second column.  
Variable Name  
Description and Path  
By default, the Application Server installation directory is located  
Solaris Java Enterprise System installations:  
Linux Java Enterprise System installations:  
Windows Java Enterprise System installations:  
Solaris and Linux stand-alone Application Server installations,  
non-root user: user_home_directory/SUNWappserver  
Solaris and Linux stand-alone Application Server installations,  
root user: /opt/SUNWappserver  
Windows stand-alone installations:  
By default, the directory containing all domains is located here:  
Solaris Java Enterprise System installations:  
Linux Java Enterprise System installations:  
All other installations: install-dir/domains/  
By default, domain directories are located here: domain_root_dir  
About Application Server  
To enable administrators to manage server instances and clusters running on multiple  
hosts, Application Server provides these tools:  
The Admin Console, a browser-based graphical user interface (GUI)  
The asadmin utility, a command-line tool  
Programmatic JavaManagement Extensions (JMX) APIs  
These tools connect to a server called the Domain Administration Server, a specially  
designated Application Server instance that intermediates in all administrative tasks.  
The Domain Administration Server (DAS) provides a single secure interface for  
validating and executing administrative commands regardless of which interface is  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
A domain is a collection of conguration data, deployed applications, and machines  
with a designated administrator. The domain denition describes and can control the  
operation of several applications, stand-alone application server instances, and  
clusters, potentially spread over multiple machines. When the DAS is installed, a  
default domain called domain1 is always installed. You work with the default domain  
in this guide.  
To complete most of the steps presented in this guide, you will use the Admin  
Starting the Server  
This topic, the rst of three basic topics, provides the following sections  
Starting the Domain Administration Server  
To start the Domain Administration Server, start the default domain, domain 1, using  
the following procedures.  
Note – Because this guide instructs you to set an environment variable  
AS_ADMIN_USER for administrative user name, it does not instruct you to supply a  
user name argument when the asadmin command is used. Without the environment  
variable, you supply this argument when you type the command. The general syntax  
asadmin command_verb --user username command_arguments  
For example, if your user name is admin, the syntax for asadmin start-domain is:  
asadmin start-domain --user admin domain1  
M To Start the Domain on Solaris and Linux  
Steps 1. Add the install-dir/bin/ directory to the PATH environment variable.  
2. Set the AS_ADMIN_USER environment variable so that you do not need to type it  
for every command.  
Chapter 1 Quick Start  
Set the value of AS_ADMIN_USER to the admin user you specied when you  
installed the Application Server. For example, setenv AS_ADMIN_USER admin  
3. Start the server by entering this command from the install-dir:  
asadmin start-domain domain1  
When you are prompted for the admin password and the master password, enter  
the passwords that you provided during installation.  
4. A message appears telling you that the Domain Administration Server is  
Starting Domain domain1, please wait. Log redirected to  
5. When the startup process has completed, an additional message appears:  
Domain domain1 started  
M To Start the Domain on Windows  
Steps 1. From the Explorer window or desktop, right click My Computer.  
2. Choose Properties to display the System Properties dialog.  
3. Click the Advanced tab.  
4. Click Environment Variables.  
5. In the User variables section:  
If a PATH variable exists, verify that install-dir\bin exists in the path:  
If a PATH variable is not present, click New. In Variable Name, type PATH. In  
Variable Value, type the path to the server’s bin directory: install-dir\bin.  
Click OK to commit the change.  
6. Add a new environment variable AS_ADMIN_USER and set it to the  
Administrative User Name that you assigned during installation.  
7. Click OK to commit the change and close the remaining open windows.  
8. Start the Application Server  
For Java Enterprise System installations, from the Start menu, choose  
Programs Sun Microsystems Application ServerStart Admin Server.  
For stand-alone installations, from the Start menu, choose Programs Sun  
Microsystems Application Server EE Start Admin Server.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
9. When a command prompt window opens to prompt you for the admin password  
and the master password, enter the passwords that you provided during  
A window appears with a message telling that you the server is starting:  
Starting Domain domain1, please wait.  
Log redirected to domain_dir\domain1\logs\server.log...  
When the startup process has completed, you see an additional message:  
Domain domain1 started.  
Press any key to continue ...  
10. Press a key to close the message window.  
Logging in to the Admin Console  
The Admin Console is a browser interface that simplies a variety of administration  
and conguration tasks. It is commonly used to:  
Deploy and undeploy applications  
Enable, disable, and manage applications  
Congure resources and other server settings  
Congure clusters and node agents  
Manage server instances and clusters  
Select and view log les  
For further information about using the Admin Console, consult the online help or the  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration Guide.  
M To Log In to the Admin Console  
Steps 1. Type this URL in your browser:  
https:// localhost:4849/asadmin  
Because the Admin Console is a secure web application, you must use https  
instead of http.  
Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Domain Admin  
Server is running on.  
4849 is the Admin Consoles default port number. If you changed the port number  
during the installation, use that number instead.  
Chapter 1 Quick Start  
Note If a popup window appears with a message such as Website Certified  
by an Unknown Authority, click OK.  
This message appears because your browser does not recognize the self-signed  
certicate that the Domain Administration Server uses to service the Admin  
Console over the secure transmission protocol.  
2. When the log in window appears, enter the admin user name and password.  
3. Click Log In.  
When the Admin Console appears, it looks like this:  
In the left pane, select what you want to manage from the tree provided. In the  
right pane, various administrative tasks are listed under the Common Tasks”  
Tip Click the Registration tab to register your software if you have not already  
done so.  
10 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
Examining the Log File  
Application Server instances and the Domain Administration Server produce  
annotated logs on the le system. By default, all errors, warnings or useful informative  
messages are logged.  
M To View the Domain Administration Server Log File  
Steps 1. From the Common Tasks list in the right pane, click Search Log Files to launch a  
new browser window for Log Viewer.  
2. In the Log Viewer window, select serverfrom the Instance Name dropdown  
list and click Search.  
The Domain Administration Servers recent log le entries are displayed.  
3. Scan the messages and look for any WARNING or SEVERE messages indicating  
that problems were encountered during server start-up.  
You can close Log Viewer at any time. After you create clusters and deploy  
applications, examine log les if any of the operations failed. Use Log Viewer to  
view the log les of any running Application Server instance in the domain.  
For more information about the log le, see Chapter 16, Conguring Logging,in  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration  
Chapter 1 Quick Start 11  
Next Steps In this section you started the Domain Administration Server and conrmed that it is  
running. You also logged in to the Admin Console and used the Log Viewer. You can  
stop the Quick Start trail here if you do not wish to continue, or you can go on to the  
next section.  
Creating a Cluster  
This section, the second of three basic topics, explains how to create a cluster that  
contains two Application Server instances. For simplicity, the cluster runs completely  
within one machine. This topic includes the following tasks:  
M To Start the Node Agent  
A node agent is a lightweight process running on each machine that participates in an  
Application Server administrative domain. The node agent is responsible for starting  
and stopping server instances on the host. It also collaborates with the Domain  
Administration Server to create new Application Server instances.  
One node agent is needed on a machine, for each Application Server administrative  
domain that the machine belongs to. If you chose the Node Agent Component during  
installation, a default node agent called hostname was created.  
Steps 1. In a terminal window, type this command:  
asadmin start-node-agent hostname  
Replace the variable hostname with the name of the host where the Application  
Server is running.  
2. When you are prompted, provide the master password.  
The node agent starts and connects with the Domain Administration Server.  
Note If the Domain Administration Server is not running, the node agent might  
fail to start.  
M To Create a Cluster  
A cluster is a group of server instances (typically on multiple hosts) that share the same  
congurations, resources, and applications. A cluster facilitates load balancing across  
server instances and high availability through failover. You can create clusters  
12 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
spanning multiple machines and manage them with the help of the node agent  
process on each machine. In this guide, for simplicity, our sample cluster will be on  
one host, the same one where the Domain Administration Server is running.  
Before You You must have already started the node agent process on each machine, as described  
in previous section. When you specify instances during cluster creation, you must  
associate the instance with a running node agent for the machine on which you want  
the instance to run. If the node agent is not running, the instance will not start. Node  
agent and instance names must be unique across clusters that are created in a domain.  
Steps 1. Log in to the Administration Console at https:// localhost:4849 if you have  
not already done so.  
Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Domain  
Administration Server is running on.  
4849 is the Admin Consoles default port number. If you changed the port number  
during the installation, use that number instead.  
2. On the right pane, under Common Tasks, click Create New Cluster to display  
the Create Cluster input page.  
3. Type FirstCluster as the name of the new cluster.  
4. From the drop-down list of available configuration templates, select the  
default-config configuration and choose Make a copy of the selected  
5. Click the Add button twice, to create two entries to specify two instances for the  
6. Type i1 and i2 as instance names. The node agent name is automatically  
populated with the name of the local machine.  
You see a screen like this:  
Chapter 1 Quick Start  
7. Click OK. The create process can take a few minutes.  
Note This exercise requires automatically assigned port numbers for HTTP,  
HTTPS, IIOP and IIOPS. You can change them later, if desired.  
When the create process is completed, the Cluster Created Successfully page  
appears, and FirstCluster appears in the tree in the left pane. A copy of the  
conguration template default-config was made for this cluster, and the name  
FirstCluster-config was assigned to it.  
8. In the left pane, expand Clusters and click FirstCluster to display the General  
Information page for clusters.  
9. Click the Instances tab to display i1 and i2, the instances that you created.  
a. Click i1 to examine this instance.  
b. From the tabs above the General Information heading of the right pane, click  
Properties and see the value for HTTP_LISTENER_PORT.  
c. Repeat these steps for i2.  
14 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
Note By default, the HTTP ports are 38081 for i1 and 38080 for i2. If these ports  
were busy on your machine when you created these clusters, or if you had  
already assigned these ports to other instances and clusters, different port  
numbers were assigned.  
Next Steps In this section you have created a simple cluster on a single machine. You can also  
create clusters spanning multiple machines using the same basic steps (as long as you  
have the software installed and a node agent running on each machine).  
You can stop the Quick Start trail here if you do not wish to continue, or you can go on  
to the next section.  
Deploying an Application  
This section, the third of three basic topics, presents the following steps:  
M To Deploy the Sample Application  
This guide uses the clusterjsp sample application to demonstrate web path load  
balancing capabilities. This task shows you how to deploy that application.  
Steps 1. Click the Home button to go to the Common Tasks page, if you are not there  
2. On the right pane, under Common Tasks, click Deploy Enterprise Application.  
3. In the File to Upload text box, click Browse, and navigate to  
4. Click Next to display the Deploy Enterprise Application page.  
5. Scroll down to the Targets section of the page.  
6. Select FirstCluster from the Available list, and click Add to move it to the  
Selected list.  
Chapter 1 Quick Start  
7. Click OK.  
The clusterjsp application is now deployed to FirstCluster.  
M To Start the Cluster  
Steps 1. In the tree on the left pane, click the FirstCluster node under Clusters.  
2. In the right pane, click the General tab if it is not already active.  
3. Click the Start Instances button to start the cluster.  
4. Verify that it has started by checking that the Status eld, which indicates what  
instances are running.  
M To Verify the Application Deployment  
This procedure veries that the application was deployed properly and is accessible  
on each instance in the cluster.  
Steps 1. Type the following URL in your browser:  
16 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Domain Admin  
Server is running on.  
Replace the port variable with the value of HTTP-LISTENER-PORT for i1. This  
example uses http://localhost:38081/clusterjsp.  
2. Add some session attribute data.  
3. Examine the Session and Host information displayed. For example:  
Executed From Server: localhost  
Server Port Number: 38081  
Executed Server IP Address:  
Session Created: Day Mon 05 14:55:34 PDT 2005  
4. Add some session data and click the Add to Session button.  
5. Repeat this procedure for instance i2 by typing this URL in your browser:  
http://localhost :38080/clusterjsp  
In this section you deployed an application to a cluster and tested that the  
application is available on all instances in the cluster.  
Congratulations! You have completed the basic steps in this Quick Start Guide. You  
can stop the Quick Start trail here if you do not wish to proceed to the advanced  
Setting up Load Balancing  
A load balancer is typically deployed in front of a cluster. It:  
Allows an application or service to be scaled horizontally across multiple physical  
(or logical) hosts yet still presents the user with a single URL  
Insulates the user from host failures or server crashes, when it is used with session  
Enhances security by hiding the internal network from the user  
Application Server includes load balancing plug-ins for popular web servers like  
Apache, Microsoft Windows IIS, and Sun JavaSystem Web Server.  
This section provides instructions on how to download and set up the Web Server  
software to act as a load balancer to the cluster of Application Servers. To complete  
this section, you must have sufficient memory to run a Web Server on your system in  
addition to the Domain Administration Server and the two Application Server  
instances you have created so far in this guide. A system with 512 Mbytes to 1024  
Mbytes of memory is recommended to complete this section.  
Chapter 1 Quick Start  
This topic presents the following steps:  
Installing Web Server Software  
If you already have Web Server software installed, and if you can identify a Web  
Server instance to serve as the load balancer, note the location of this instance in the  
M To Install the Web Server Using the Java Enterprise System  
If you are using Sun Java Enterprise System software, the Web Server is selected for  
installation automatically when you choose to install the Load Balancer Plug-in.  
However, you can also install Web Server software using these steps:  
Steps 1. Launch the Java Enterprise System installer.  
2. Select the Sun Java System Web Server component in the Component Selection  
3. Choose Congure Nowto be prompted for Web Server Conguration during  
4. When you are prompted, dene a default Web Server instance.  
Tip Remember the port number you choose for this default Web Server instance.  
This guide assumes that port 38000 is selected as the HTTP port for default  
M To Install the Web Server for Stand-Alone Application  
Server Installations  
If you are using a stand-alone Application Server, or if you do not have access to the  
Sun Java Enterprise System installer, install Web Server software using these steps:  
Steps 1. Go to Scroll down to the Web & Proxy  
Servers heading and click Web Servers.  
18 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
2. Download Web Server 6.1 Service Pack 2 or higher for the locale and platform of  
your choice.  
To download, you must log in with username and password registered with  
MySunSM, Sun StoreSM, SunSolveSM, or the Online Support Center. If you do not  
have a login account, you can register online.  
3. Follow the instructions to install Web Server software. You must:  
a. Extract the software from the compressed archive.  
b. Run the setup program. If you need additional information, see the Web  
Server installation instructions at  
4. The Web Server installation process congures the Administration Server for  
Web Server and prompts you to dene a default Web Server instance.  
Tip Remember the port number you choose for this default web server instance.  
This guide assumes that port 38000 is selected as the HTTP port for default  
Installing the Load Balancer Plug-in  
The section describes installing the load balancer plug-in for either a Sun Java  
Enterprise System distribution or a stand-alone Application Server distribution.  
M To Install the Load Balancer Plug-in  
Steps 1. Run the installer for the software distribution you are usingSun Java  
Enterprise System software or the stand-alone Sun Java System Application  
Server software.  
2. When you are asked which components you want to install, select Load  
Balancing Plug-in.  
On the Sun Java Enterprise System installer, you must expand the Application  
Server item to see the Load Balancing Plug-in. It is not selected for installation by  
Creating a Load Balancer Conguration  
Now return to interacting with the Application Servers Domain Admin Server. You  
need a shell execution environment for this section.  
Chapter 1 Quick Start  
M To Create an HTTP Load Balancer Conguration  
Steps 1. Create a load balancer conguration called MyLbConfig targeted to the cluster  
asadmin create-http-lb-config --target FirstCluster MyLbConfig  
2. Enable the FirstCluster cluster and the clusterjsp application deployed in it for  
HTTP load balancing:  
asadmin enable-http-lb-server FirstCluster  
asadmin enable-http-lb-application --name clusterjsp  
3. Create a health checker for the load balancer, which signals when an instance  
that goes down recovers.  
asadmin create-http-health-checker --interval 10 --config  
MyLbConfig FirstCluster  
The interval is the number of seconds the health checker waits between checks of  
an unhealthy instance.  
4. Export the conguration to a le loadbalancer.xml.  
asadmin export-http-lb-config --config MyLbConfig  
5. Copy loadbalancer.xml to:  
Starting Load Balancing  
Start load balancing by starting or restarting the Web Server.  
If the Web Server instance serving as load balancer is not already running, start the  
Web Server software by executing the start program in the following directory:  
If the Web Server instance serving as load balancer is already running, stop the  
server and start it using the start and stop programs in the following directory:  
Verifying Load Balancing  
Once the application is deployed and the load balancer is running, verify that the load  
balancing is working.  
20 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
M To Verify Load Balancing  
Steps 1. To display the rst page of the clusterjsp application, type this URL in your  
Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Web Server is  
running on.  
Replace the web_server_port variable with the value of the port attribute of the LS  
element in web_server_install_dir/https-hostname/config/server.xml. For this  
example, port 38000 is used.  
A page similar to what you saw in To Verify the Application Deployment”  
on page 16. appears.  
2. Examine the Session and Host information displayed. For example:  
Executed From Server: localhost  
Server Port Number: 38000  
Executed Server IP Address:  
Session Created: Day Mon 05 14:55:34 PDT 2005  
3. The Server Port Number is 38000, the Web Servers port. The load balancer has  
forwarded the request on the two instances in the cluster.  
4. Using different browser software, or a browser on a different machine, create a  
new session. Requests from the same browser are stickyand go to the same  
These sessions should be distributed to the two instances in the cluster. You can  
verify this by looking at the server access log les located here:  
Solaris Java Enterprise System installation:  
Linux Java Enterprise System installation:  
Windows Java Enterprise System installation:  
Chapter 1 Quick Start  
Stand-alone Application Server installations:  
5. Add a name and value pair (Name=Name Value=Duke) for storing in  
6. Click the Add to Session Databutton.  
7. Verify that the session data was added  
Next Steps In this section you created an instance to use as a load balancer and set up a load  
balancing conguration. You also veried load balancing.  
To congure and verify HTTP session failover, continue to Chapter 2. Otherwise  
continue on to Cleaning Upon page 22.  
Cleaning Up  
To clean up, you can uninstall the Application Server installation by completing the  
steps in To Uninstall Completelyon page 22, or you can simply delete the sample  
cluster you have just created by completing the steps in To Remove the Sample  
Caution If you plan to complete Chapter 2 do not use these clean-up procedures.  
Instead, go to Chapter 2 now and when you are done use the procedures youll nd  
there to clean up.  
M To Uninstall Completely  
To completely uninstall Application Server and also uninstall the Web Server, use the  
following procedure.  
Steps 1. Stop the Application Server processes using these commands:  
asadmin stop-cluster FirstCluster  
asadmin stop-node-agent hostname  
asadmin stop-domain domain1  
22 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
At this point all processes related to Application Server are stopped.  
2. Uninstall the Application Server.  
In a Solaris or Linux Java Enterprise System installation, run  
var/sadm/prod/entsys/uninstall and follow the steps in the uninstallation  
In a Windows Java Enterprise System installation, use the Control Panels  
Add/Remove Programs item. Choose Sun Java Enterprise Systems and click  
In a Solaris or Linux stand-alone Application Server installation, run  
install-dir/uninstall and follow the steps in the uninstallation wizard.  
In a Windows stand-alone installation, from the Start menu, choose Programs ⇒  
Sun Microsystems Application Server EE Uninstall.  
3. If you installed Web Server for this exercise, stop the web server instance acting  
as load balancer and uninstall the Web Server product. You can stop the instance  
by executing the stop program in the following directory:  
4. If you want to unsinstall the Web Server product, run the uninstall program  
from the web_server_install_dir.  
M To Remove the Sample Cluster Only  
To remove only the FirstCluster (the sample highly available cluster) and the sample  
application used during this exercise, but retain the installed Application Server and  
Web Server, use the following procedure.  
Steps 1. Stop the Application Server processes and clean up conguration:  
asadmin stop-cluster FirstCluster  
asadmin disable-http-lb-server FirstCluster  
asadmin delete-http-lb-ref --config MyLbConfig FirstCluster  
asadmin delete-http-lb-config MyLbConfig  
asadmin delete-instance i1  
asadmin delete-instance i2  
asadmin delete-cluster FirstCluster  
asadmin undeploy clusterjsp  
2. Stop the web server instance acting as load balancer by running the stop  
program in the following directory:  
3. Rename the loadbalancer.xml le in web_server_install_dir/https-hostname  
/config to loadbalancer.xml.sav  
Chapter 1 Quick Start  
Where to Go Next  
Other resources for learning about and using Application Server are available. They  
Product details at install-dir/docs-ee/about.html.  
See this document for the latest information on what is new, and pointers to  
tutorials and other educational services.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Release Notes  
See this document for late-breaking information regarding this release.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration Guide  
See this document for information on performing administrative functions using  
the Admin Console.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Reference Manual  
See this document for reference information on Application Servers command-line  
utilities, such as asadmin.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 High Availability  
Administration Guide  
See this document for information on the Sun Java System Application Servers  
high availability features.  
See this document for a tutorial that covers the process for building and deploying  
Java2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EEplatform) applications.  
See this document for a comprehensive set of examples that demonstrate  
operations of the Application Server software and that can be used as application  
24 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
Quick Start for Setting Up High  
Availability Failover  
With the conguration used in the previous chapter, if a server instance goes down,  
users lose session state. This section, the second of two advanced topics, provides the  
steps for installing the high-availability database (HADB), creating a highly available  
cluster, and testing HTTP session persistence.  
Application Server supports both HTTP session persistence and persistence for  
Stateful Session Beans. The procedures in this chapter cover HTTP session persistence.  
These steps assume you have already performed the steps in the previous sections of  
this Quick Start. The steps are presented in the order that you should complete them.  
Note Completing this section may require additional hardware resources.  
This topic contains the following sections:  
About High Availability Clusters and  
A highly availability cluster inSun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition  
integrates a state replication service with the clusters and load balancer created earlier,  
enabling failover of HTTP sessions.  
HttpSession objects and Stateful Session Bean state is stored in HADB, a  
high-availability database for storing session state. This horizontally scalable state  
management service can be managed independently of the application server tier. It  
was designed to support up to 99.999% service and data availability with load  
balancing, failover and state recovery capabilities.  
Keeping state management responsibilities separated from Application Server has  
signicant benets. Application Server instances spend their cycles performing as a  
scalable and high performance Java2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EEplatform)  
containers delegating state replication to an external high availability state service.  
Due to this loosely coupled architecture, application server instances can be easily  
added to or deleted from a cluster. The HADB state replication service can be  
independently scaled for optimum availability and performance. When an application  
server instance also performs replication, the performance of J2EE applications can  
suffer and can be subject to longer garbage collection pauses.  
Because each HADB node requires 512 Mbytes of memory, you need 1 Gbyte of  
memory to run two HADB nodes on the same machine. If you have less memory, set  
up each node on a different machine. Running a two-node database on only one host  
is not recommended for deployment since it is not fault tolerant.  
HADB Preinstallation Steps  
This procedure covers the most common preinstallation tasks. For information on  
other preinstallation topics, including prerequisites for installing HADB, conguring  
network redundancy, and le system support, see Chapter 2, Installing and Setting  
Up High Availability Database,in Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise  
Edition 8.1 2005Q2 High Availability Administration Guide.  
The recommended system conguration values in this section are sufficient for  
running up to six HADB nodes and do not take into consideration other applications  
on the system that also use shared memory.  
26 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
M To Congure Your System for HADB  
Steps 1. Get root access.  
2. Dene variables related to shared memory and semaphores.  
On Solaris:  
a. Add these lines to the /etc/system le (or if these lines are in the le as  
comments, uncomment them and make sure that the values match these):  
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=0x80000000  
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=36  
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=600  
Set shminfo_shmmax to the total memory in your system (in hexadecimal  
notation the value 0x80000000 shown is for 2 Gigabytes of memory).  
If the seminfo_* variables are already dened, increment them by the  
amounts shown. The default values for seminfo_semmni and  
seminfo_semmns do not need to be changed. The variable  
shminfo_shmeg is obsolete after Solaris 8.  
b. Reboot, using this command:  
sync; sync; reboot  
On Linux:  
a. Add these lines to the /etc/sysctl.conf le (or if they are in the le as  
comments, uncomment them). Set the value to the amount physical  
memory on the machine. Specify the value as a decimal number of bytes.  
For example, for a machine having 2 GB of physical memory:  
echo 2147483648 > /proc/sys/shmmax  
echo 2147483648 > /proc/sys/shmall  
b. Reboot, using this command:  
sync; sync; reboot  
On Windows: No special system settings are needed.  
3. If you used existing JDK software when you installed a standalone Application  
Server, check the JDK version.  
HADB requires Sun JDK 1.4.1_03 or higher (for the latest information on JDK  
versions, see the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2  
Release Notes). Check the version installed, and if it is not done already, set the  
JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where the JDK is installed.  
4. If necessary after the reboot, restart the domain, Web Server, and node agent.  
To restart the domain, use the command asadmin start-domain domain1.  
Chapter 2 Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover 27  
To restart the Web Server, execute the start program in  
To restart the node agent, use the command asadmin start-node-agent  
hostname. Replace the variable hostname with the name of the host where the  
Application Server is running.  
Installing HADB  
This section provides the steps for installing the high-availability database (HADB).  
Note If you plan to run the high-availability database on the Application Server  
machine, and if you installed HADB when you installed Application Server, skip to  
You can install the HADB component on the same machine as your Application Server  
system if you have 2 Gbytes of memory and 1-2 CPUs. If not, use additional hardware.  
For example:  
Two 1 CPU systems with 512 Mbytes to 1 Gbyte memory each  
One 1-2 CPU system with 1 Gbytes to 2 Gbytes memory  
M To Install HADB  
Steps 1. Run the Application Server or Java Enterprise System installer.  
2. Choose the option to install HADB.  
3. Complete the installation on your hosts.  
Starting HADB  
This section describes starting the HADB management agent in most cases by running  
the ma-initd script. For a production deployment, start the management agent as a  
service to ensure its availability. For more information, see Starting the HADB  
Management Agentin Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2  
High Availability Administration Guide.  
28 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
If starting a database with HADB nodes on several hosts, start the management agent  
on each host.  
M To Start HADB in a Java Enterprise System  
Installation on Solaris or Linux  
Steps 1. Change to the /etc/init.d directory:  
cd /etc/init.d  
2. Run the command to start the agent:  
./ma-initd start  
M To Start HADB in a Java Enterprise System  
Installation on Windows  
HADB is started by default when Sun Java System is congured and running.  
However, if you need to start it manually, follow these steps:  
Steps 1. Go to StartSettingsControl Panel, and double click Administrative Tools.  
2. Double click Services shortcut.  
3. Select HADBMgmtAgent Service from the Services list.  
4. From the Action menu, select Start.  
M To Start HADB in a Stand-Alone Installation on  
Solaris or Linux  
Steps 1. Change to the HADB bin directory in the Application Serverinstallation:  
2. Run the command to start the agent:  
./ma-initd start  
Chapter 2 Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover 29  
M To Start HADB in a Stand-Alone Installation on  
Steps 1. In a terminal window, change to the HADB bin directory in the Application  
Serverinstallation: install-dir\hadb\4.x\bin  
The x represents the release number of HADB.  
2. Run the command to start the agent:  
ma -i ma.cfg  
Conguring a Cluster and Application  
for High Availability  
The FirstCluster cluster must be congured to use HADB and high-availability must  
be enabled for the clusterjsp application before you can verify HTTP session  
M To Congure a Cluster and Application for High  
Steps 1. From the machine on which the Domain Administration Server is running,  
congure FirstCluster to use HADB using this command:  
asadmin configure-ha-cluster --hosts hadb_hostname,hadb_hostname  
--devicesize 256 FirstCluster  
Replace the hadb_hostname variable with the host name of the machine where  
HADB is to run. If you are using just one machine, you must name it twice.  
This simplied example runs two nodes of HADB on the same machine. In  
production settings, use more than one machine.  
30 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
Note To reduce the memory footprint of HADB for demonstration purposes,  
execute the following hadbm command. You are prompted for the administration  
In Java Enterprise System installations:  
/opt/SUNWhadb/4/bin/hadbm set  
DataBufferPoolSize=64,LogBufferSize=25 FirstCluster  
In standalone Application Server installations:  
install_dir/hadb/4/bin/hadbm set  
DataBufferPoolSize=64,LogBufferSize=25 FirstCluster  
2. Congure the clusterjsp application for HTTP session persistence by enabling  
high availability:  
a. In the Admin Console, expand the Applications node.  
b. Expand Enterprise Applications.  
c. Click clusterjsp.  
d. In the right pane, on the General tab, click the Availability Enabled  
e. Click Save.  
Availability is enabled at the server instance and container level by default.  
Restarting the Cluster  
Before the changes made in the previous section take effect, the clusters instances  
must be restarted..  
M To Restart the Cluster  
Steps 1. In the Admin Console, expand the Clusters node.  
2. Click FirstCluster.  
3. In the right pane, click Stop Instances.  
Chapter 2 Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover 31  
4. Once the instances are stopped, click Start Instances.  
Verifying HTTP Session Failover  
The steps for testing session data failover are similar for testing load balancing as  
described in the topic Verifying Load Balancingon page 20. This time Session Data  
is preserved after failure. Failover is transparent to the user because the sample  
application is congured for automatic retry after failure.  
M To Verify HTTP Session Failover  
Steps 1. To display the rst page of the clusterjsp application, type this URL in your  
Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Web Server is  
running on.  
Replace the web_server_port variable with the value of the port attribute of the LS  
element in web_server_install_dir/https-hostname/config/server.xml. For this  
example, port 38000 is used.  
A page similar to what you saw in To Verify the Application Deployment”  
on page 16 appears.  
2. Examine the Session and Host information displayed. For example:  
Executed From Server: localhost  
Server Port Number: 38000  
Executed Server IP Address:  
Session ID: 41880f618e4593e14fb5d0ac434b1  
Session Created: Wed Feb 23 15:23:18 PST 2005  
3. View the server access log les to determine which application server instance is  
serving the application. The log les are located here:  
Solaris Java Enterprise System installation:  
Linux Java Enterprise System installation:  
32 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
Windows Java Enterprise System installation:  
Standalone Application Server installations:  
4. Stop the Application Server instance that is serving the page.  
a. In the Admin Console, in the left pane, expand Clusters.  
b. Click FirstCluster.  
c. In the right pane, click the Instances tab.  
d. Click the checkbox next to the server instance that served the request and  
click the Stop button.  
5. Reload the clusterjsp sample application page.  
The session ID and session attribute data is retained.  
6. Check the access log of the other Application Server instance, and notice that it  
is now servicing the request.  
The state failover features work because the HTTP session is stored persistently in  
the HADB. In addition to the HTTP session state, the Application Server also can  
store the state of EJBenterprise beans in the HADB.  
Cleaning Up  
To clean up, you can uninstall the Application Server installation by completing the  
steps in To Uninstall Completelyon page 34, or you can simply delete the sample  
cluster you have just created by completing the steps in To Remove the Sample  
Chapter 2 Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover 33  
M To Uninstall Completely  
Steps 1. Stop the Application Server processes using these commands:  
asadmin stop-cluster FirstCluster  
asadmin remove-ha-cluster --hosts hadb_hostname,hadb_hostname  
Replace the hadb_hostname variable with the host name of the machine where  
HADB is to run. If you are using just one machine, you must name it twice.  
asadmin stop-node-agent hostname  
asadmin stop-domain domain1  
2. Stop the HADB Management Agent by one of the following methods:  
In a Solaris or Linux Java Enterprise System installation:  
a. Change to the /etc/init.d directory:  
cd /etc/init.d  
b. Run the command to stop the agent:  
./ma-initd stop  
In a Windows Java Enterprise System installation  
a. Go to StartSettingsControl Panel, and double click Administrative  
b. Double click the Services shortcut.  
c. Select HADBMgmtAgent Service from the Services list.  
d. From the Action menu, select Stop.  
In a stand-alone Solaris or Linux Application Server installation:  
a. Change to install-dir/hadb/4/bin  
b. Run the command to stop the agent:  
./ma-initd stop  
In a stand-alone Windows Application Server Installation:  
a. Change to install-dir\hadb\4.x\bin  
The x represents the release number of HADB.  
b. Run the command to stop the agent:  
ma -r  
At this point all processes related to Sun Java System Application Server are  
34 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
3. Uninstall the Application Server.  
In a Solaris or Linux Java Enterprise System installation, run  
var/sadm/prod/entsys/uninstall and follow the steps in the  
uninstallation wizard.  
In a Windows Java Enterprise System installation, use the Control Panels  
Add/Remove Programs item. Choose Sun Java Enterprise Systems and click  
In a Solaris or Linux standalone Application Server installation, run  
install_dir/uninstall and follow the steps in the uninstallation wizard.  
In a Windows standalone Application Server instance, from the Start menu,  
choose Programs Sun Microsystems Application Server EE Uninstall.  
4. If you created a new Web Server instance for this exercise, delete it:  
a. Log on to the Web Servers Administration Console.  
b. Stop the instance.  
c. Delete the instance.  
5. To unsinstall the Web Server product, run the uninstall program from the  
M To Remove the Sample Cluster  
Use this procedure to remove only the FirstCluster (the sample highly-available  
cluster) and the sample application used during this exercise.  
Steps 1. Stop the Application Server processes and clean up conguration:  
asadmin stop-cluster FirstCluster  
asadmin remove-ha-cluster --hosts hadb_hostname,hadb_hostname  
Replace the hadb_hostname variable with the host name of the machine where  
HADB is to run. If you are using just one machine, you must name it twice.  
asadmin disable-http-lb-server FirstCluster  
asadmin delete-http-lb-ref --config MyLbConfig FirstCluster  
asadmin delete-http-lb-config MyLbConfig  
asadmin delete-instance i1  
asadmin delete-instance i2  
asadmin delete-cluster FirstCluster  
asadmin undeploy clusterjsp  
Chapter 2 Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover 35  
2. Stop the web server instance acting as load balancer by running the stop  
program in:  
3. Rename the loadbalancer.xml le in  
web_server_install_dir/https-hostname/config to loadbalancer.xml.sav  
4. Stop the HADB Management Agent by one of the following methods:  
In a Solaris or Linux Java Enterprise System installation:  
a. Change to the /etc/init.d directory:  
cd /etc/init.d  
b. Run the command to stop the agent:  
./ma-initd stop  
In a Windows Java Enterprise System installation:  
a. Go to StartSettingsControl Panel, and double click Administrative  
b. Double click the Services shortcut.  
c. Select HADBMgmtAgent Service from the Services list.  
d. From the Action menu, select Stop.  
In a stand-alone Solaris or Linux Application Server installation:  
a. Change to install-dir/hadb/4/bin  
b. Run the command to stop the agent:  
./ma-initd stop  
In a stand-alone Windows Application Server Installation:  
a. Change to install-dir\hadb\4.x\bin  
The x represents the release number of HADB.  
b. Run the command to stop the agent:  
ma -r  
Next Steps Congratulations! You have now completed the Quick Start for Application Server.  
In this section, you have installed, congured, and started HADB and congured a  
cluster and an application to use high availability. You have also cleaned up so that  
your system is ready for other work. See Where to Go Nexton page 37 for  
additional information on Application Server.  
36 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  
Where to Go Next  
Other resources for learning about and using Application Server are available. They  
Product details at install-dir/docs-ee/about.html.  
See this document for the latest information on what is new, and pointers to  
tutorials and other educational services.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Release Notes  
See this document for late-breaking information regarding this release.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration Guide  
See this document for information on performing administrative functions using  
the Admin Console.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Reference Manual  
See this document for reference information on Application Server command-line  
utilities, such as asadmin.  
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 High Availability  
Administration Guide  
See this document for information on the Sun Java System Application Servers  
high availability features.  
See this document for a tutorial that covers the process for building and deploying  
Java2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EEplatform) applications.  
See this document for a comprehensive set of examples that demonstrate  
operations of the Application Server software and that can be used as application  
Chapter 2 Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover 37  
38 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide  

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